Inserting an image

To display images in a Dreamweaver document, the image files must be inside within a defined local site. If you choose a file outside a local site, Dreamweaver will ask if you want the file copied inside the local. See Creating a local site.

If you specify a path for a source file outside the site root folder, Dreamweaver displays a placeholder for the image.

To insert an image:

1 Do one of the following:
Place the cursor where you want the image to appear on the page, and choose Insert > Image or click the Insert Image button on the Common panel of the Objects palette.
Drag the Insert Image button from the Object palette to the desired location on the page.
In Windows, drag an image from the desktop to the desired location on the page; then skip to step 3.
2 In the dialog box that appears, type the path for the source file or click Browse to choose a file.
See About relative and absolute paths for more information on specifying pathnames.
To prevent this dialog box from appearing, turn off Show Dialog when Inserting Objects in General preferences.

Note: Content linked via a site root-relative path does not appear when you preview documents in a local browser, because browsers don't recognize a site-root when opening a local file. To preview content linked with root-relative paths, set up a local server and use the Preview Online option (Windows only), or put the file on a remote server to view the page in a browser. See also About relative and absolute paths.

3 Set image properties in the Properties inspector.
See Image properties.